
Governing Bodies

The President

“In our times, innovation produces impulses that dominate a great deal of our social life. Within the context of the epochal shift from an international to a glocal world, this innovation shows itself not only in the field of scientific-technological innovation but increasingly more in individual and collective relationships”.

Piero Bassetti, President of Globus et Locus

Piero Bassetti (Milan, Italy, 1928) graduated in Business and Economics from Bocconi University, Milan and perfected his studies at Cornell University, subsequently specialising in Economic Sciences at the London School of Economics.

Board member and Councilor at Milan Town Council from 1956 to 1967, he was the first President of the Lombardy Region from 1970 to 1974. Member of Parliament from 1976 to 1982, he was also President of the Chamber of Commerce and Agriculture in Milan (1982-1997) as well as President of the Union of Italian Chambers of Commerce (1983-1992). From 1993 to 1999 he was President of the Association of Chambers of Commerce Abroad (CCIE).

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Currently President of Globus et Locus and Editor-in-chief of “Glocalism. Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation”. He is also President of the Giannino Bassetti Foundation, the purpose of which is the study of “responsibility in innovation”.

Author of political essays and economic studies, he has written “Occidente Scomodo” (Vallecchi, 1978), “L’Italia si è rotta”, (Laterza, 1996), “Milanesi senza Milano” (Mursia 1999), “Globali e locali!” (Giampiero Casagrande, 2001), “Italici” (Giampiero Casagrande, 2008), “Italic Lessons” (Bordighera Press, 2010), together with Giacomo Corna Pellegrini, “Le Redini del Potere” (Ceschina, 1959); “Italic Lessons”, by N. d’Aquino and Piero Bassetti (Editore Bordighera Press, 2010); “Svegliamoci Italici! Manifesto per un futuro glocal” (Marsilio, 2015); “Despertemos italicos! Manifesto para un futuro glocal” (Cyngular, 2015); “Let’s wake up, Italics! Manifesto for a glocal future” (Calandra Institute, 2017); “Oltre lo specchio di Alice. Governare l’innovazione nel cambiamento d’epoca” (Guerini e Associati, 2020).

Board of Directors

The association is administered by a Board of Directors composed of five to nine members, according to what will be determined by the Assembly at the time of appointment, and for a duration of four years.

One of the members of the Board of Directors  will be appointed by right by the Milan Chamber of Commerce and one by the Catholic University, as founding members (Article 8 of the Statute). The Board of Directors of Globus et Locus (2023-2027) is composed as follows:

  • Piero Bassetti – President
  • Cristina Tajani – Vicepresident


  • Raffaele Cattaneo

  • Marco Demarie
  • Elena Vasco

Board of Auditors

The management of the Association is controlled by a Board of Auditors, which for the period 2023-2027 is composed as follows:
  • Attilio Martinetti – President
  • Alessandro Africano – President
  • Michele Paganini – President

Scientific Committee

  • Prof. Simonetta Armondi – Politecnico di Milano


  • Prof. Marco Caselli – Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


  • Prof. Massimo De Giuseppe – IULM – International University of Languages and Media
  • Prof. Elisabetta Marafioti – Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
  • Prof. Roberta Sala – Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele


  • Livia D’Anna – Director
  • Vincenzo Politano – Communication manager
  • Simone Bruno – Head of administration office
  • Cecilia Gaballo – Secretary


The Association Globus et Locus was set up on the initiative of the Milan Chamber of Commerce and the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Over the years, the Association has enlarged its membership including various functional and territorial bodies