Lanfranco Senn e Luca Garavaglia scrivono “New geographies, new institutional frameworks”, contributo per la rivista di ESPON (European Spatial Planning Observation Network) TerritoriAll.
Eccone un breve estratto: “In the last 20 years, large metropolitan areas have been the main beneficiaries of the increased flows of people, goods and information generated by globalisation. The augmented attractiveness of metropolitan areas caused not only their spatial growth but also the concentration of wealth and urban functions in their core, widening the social and economic gap between them and small cities and rural areas. At the same time, the divide between urban and rural became more blurred, owing to the diffusion of remote working, distance learning and e-commerce, and the tendency of many urban citizens to flee the city in search of better living conditions and lower costs (a tendency that seems to have become stronger with the COVID-19 crisis). This caused an increase in the interdependencies between metropolitan cores, small cities and rural areas: as a consequence, all over Europe we witness the assemblage of large city-regions, connected by dense commuting flows and value chains but also afflicted by social inequalities, land consumption and environmental problems”.
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